Business Tax Planning
Knowing which business structure is best and the tax consequences is where Rich and his 30 years of expertise is invaluable. Rich has an advanced degree in tax law to help guide you through the right decisions for you to protect what you have.
Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Administration
If you own a home you need a trust to avoid the costly process of going to court to have your wealth transferred to who you want when you want. Rich prepares full estate plans including Wills, Trusts and powers of attorney.
When people die without estate planning having to go to court usually is required. Rich takes care of that process for you.
When you want or need someone to take care of handling your financial affairs Rich guides you through the Trust Administration Process
Business Mentoring
You know the old saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" The problem today is that for a majority of business owners their business is the basket. That means when the industry changes, the owner gets older, sick or worse, the owner has nothing to fall back on. Using his 30 years of legal and tax law knowledge and experience Rich mentors business owners on how to turn their business into a wealth building vehicle to make more, save more and protect more.