Decode Your Cravings & Meet Your True Needs

Decode Your Cravings & Meet Your True Needs

If you found yourself feeling a kind of pressure to use the extra time at home over the last couple of months as an opportunity for self-improvement, you wouldn't be alone. The internet has been awash with tips and tricks, more free lessons and teaching on a whole...
Finest Women in Real Estate National TV Talk Show

Finest Women in Real Estate National TV Talk Show

The Finest Women In Real Estate (FWRE) Show is firing up the airwaves on national television, in front of the eyes of 10 million viewers. This show is the idea child of Marie Antonette Waite, the founder and CEO of The Finest Women In Real Estate. Her company markets...
Fired Up Experience and Highlight Events

Fired Up Experience and Highlight Events

When FIRE UP CONNECT was first made, it could be described as building and learning the Fundamentals, establishing an effective Introduction, building Relationships among businesses connections, and even clients, showcasing one’s own Expertise of their own field,...